
Friday, February 3, 2012

Gary, the City of Magic

Just a little article about wide-eyed dreamers coming to "Gary, the city of magic." I don't know exactly what the Home Service office was; I have the impression it was a branch of the Red Cross intended to help returning veterans find jobs.

Gary, City of Magic
(Click on image to enlarge)
From the Hobart News of January 30, 1919.

Logansport wasn't exactly a one-horse town at the time, with a population over 21,000 in 1920, but I suppose it was small enough to be dull. I don't know why Mary Stone didn't just go to Chicago. Too large and intimidating, perhaps.

Somehow I missed Gary's magic era — I am not old enough, or didn't get out of the house enough in my youth.


  1. I think the Home Service office had something to do with the Red Cross. Probably somewhere you went when you were in trouble about finding work or housing. But there's not much info out there about it.

  2. Yeah, just saw you wrote that too about the Red Cross lol.
