
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Young Peoples' Meeting (Unidentified Glass-Plate Image)

Young Peoples Meeting  No. 39
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image courtesy of the Hobart Historical Society.

This is identified only as "Young Peoples Meeting," but a few of the faces look familiar.

The young woman at the left end of the front row looks like Lena Triebess in the Old Maids' Basket Ball Team photo. The woman second from the right in the front row looks like Tekla Anderson from that same photo. The fellow next to her looks a bit like Pastor Moberg, but only a bit. If that is Pastor Moberg, then perhaps this is a church-related group.

I don't recognize anyone else.


  1. Too bad there's not even a date to cross-reference with the Hobart News/Gazette or church records...what a treasure trove in these old plates!

  2. I love these old photos, even when I don't know anything about them.
