
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Downtown Hobart 1979

We interrupt this blog to announce a new blog: Downtown Hobart 1979.

It all started when Bonnie told me about an article the Hobart Historical Society had written in 1979 — basically a summary, based on old-timers' recollections, of the history of nearly all the buildings in downtown Hobart. I hadn't yet come across that article in all my poking around at the museum, so I went looking again, and found it tucked away in the file cabinets at the back of the museum. I soon as I read it, I decided it did not deserve such obscurity.

I've spent the past month getting it ready for the internet. The original had no street addresses or images; we've supplied those to the extent we could. (I say we because Bonnie has helped with both.)

There is plenty of room for improvement in it, but this past month has taught me that I can't research two historical blogs at the same time, and I'd rather concentrate on this one. I won't be adding any new entries to Downtown Hobart 1979 or doing the research in the old directories and newspapers that might fill out the details of each location. I will, however, be adding more images as I come across them at the museum.

I'm hoping that, if people find the blog interesting enough to respond and contribute to it, perhaps someday down the line someone will be able to issue a revised, improved, expanded version of it. It might even be me, but for the moment I'm just totally burned out.


  1. Your new blog is great and I was happy to help with it! You've done a good job and I hope it will be of interest and bring back good memories to a lot of those who remember Hobart well, no matter where they live now.

  2. Thanks, I hope so too.

    By the way, I drove out to the 6th Street dead end Sunday morning and you're right, it's not illuminating.
