
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Two Styles of Wedding, 1912

December 1912 saw the weddings of two young couples from the Ainsworth area. On December 21, Martha Klemm married Louis Weiler; and on the 26th, Bertha Nolte married Claude Campbell.

The first made a great splash.


The second barely got mentioned.

6-22-2010 Bertha Nolte

That's it for poor Birdie Nolte. She didn't get a word in the Gazette or anywhere else that I've found. Henry's only surviving daughter! — I said these people were quiet, but on such an occasion, you'd think they could stand to make a bit more noise.

By the way, the "Klenn" in the first article is a misprint. And Martha was the sister of Emma Klemm, who had married John Chester in 1905.

♦ "Ross Township." Hobart News 2 Jan. 1913.
♦ "Young Couple Marry." Hobart Gazette 27 Dec. 1912.

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