
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"Something Doing" Chez Yager?

The Hobart News of December 26, 1912, carried this tantalizing tidbit:
Fred Yeager is erecting an up-to-date bungalow on his farm east of Ainsworth. Looks as though there was something doing.
Fred had the money to pay for a nice little bungalow, after taking Jerome Chester to the cleaners. Was he perhaps trying to entice Anna to come back — she who had so objected to his one-room log cabin?

Actually I have no idea where Anna was at this point; she is never mentioned. Jerome was then living in Chicago, as was sometimes casually mentioned in minor new items, e.g., in July 1912: "Mr. Jerome Chester of Chicago was a Hobart business caller on Friday." It's possible Jerome and Anna were still shacking up there.

We'll see if anything exciting comes from this bungalow.

♦ "Personal Mention." Hobart News 25 July 1912.
♦ "Ross Township." Hobart News 26 Dec. 1912.

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