
Friday, June 4, 2010

How to Get Around Hobart, circa 1911

A few ads from the Hobart Gazette of 1911-12.

(Click on images to enlarge)
From February 2, 1912.

I must admit I never heard of Krit cars before I started reading these newspapers. A little Googling tells me the company operated only from 1909 to 1916. Check out that swastika logo.

From August 4, 1911.

Another kind of car I never heard of before. Apparently these cars were more high-end than, say, Fords. A little Googling again, and now I know the company operated between 1909 and 1918. Not long after this ad appeared, Hubert Bullock left Hobart; in partnership with Harry Dye, he purchased the Ed Wickamyer garage and machine shop on the "main street" of Valparaiso, and moved his family there to live and work. But he continued selling cars to Hobart-area customers.

6-4-2010 Harley-Davidson
From March 31, 1911.

These guys are still in business, I understand.

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