
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Late-Winter Sleighing Party

February 23, 1901 was a Saturday. That evening, a sleighing party went out to Mr. and Mrs. James Chester's house, "and all who attended reported a good time."

I haven't figured out exactly where James Chester lived. It was somewhere east of Ainsworth and north of Deep River.

I haven't figured out exactly where most of these people lived. I have parcels outlined on plat books, but no idea where the house was. Not even Henry Chester's. Maybe someday I'll find out. Maybe not. Probably not.

And if you think I sound discouraged — I am. It's getting toward that time of day when I start thinking that this blog is a stupid idea, that nobody cares about Ainsworth (least of all me), that the topic is beyond my abilities, that I ought to find a more sensible way to kill time. Usually it strikes me a little later in the afternoon, but I'm especially tired today. Over the past week I've spent about 15 hours reading microfilm. I have about 8,452 hours to go.

Then I'll get a night's sleep and wake up tomorrow morning feeling better about the whole thing. And I'll go to the library to read more microfilm, and the whole process will start again.

Sources: "Local Drifts." Hobart Gazette (Hobart, Ind.) 1 March 1901.


  1. dont get discouraged... we read daily and really enjoy it.

  2. Thank you, that's nice to hear! I guess I just felt like venting today. :)

  3. yep can relate, cabin fever hitting hard here, not been a bad winter but sure has felt like a long one.
